Friday, January 6, 2023

She got a very naughty look on her face...

Are you struggling with erectile dysfunction?

Well you shouldn’t be. 

Because this problem was solved...yes solved...

OVER THREE YEARS AGO by a small group of researchers in Maryland Heights Missouri....

When they found this cure and tried to publicize it, they almost lost everything including their lives...

And the only reason you’re still suffering with ED today, is because the powers that be said they’d rather you not be told...

Do you think that’s fair?

Put a stop to that right now. 

Go to:

And be told…

Because as horrible as the crimes were against them...

The continuing crime again you is worse…

You are condemned to suffer with ED the rest of your life...

It’s hurting your relationships. 

It’s hurting your confidence. 

And you don’t see any way out...

You don’t have to live with it anymore...

In can find your way out of it in a matter of hours. 

Go here to find out exactly how:

Please let me know how it works out,

Bad Sleep

P.S. My friend will go nameless. But he tried this product just 2 days before I sent you this email. And it only took one day and he said he wife “shrieked and got a very naughty look on her face” at what she saw. 

P.S. .If you haven’t seen this video...

You will be PURPOSEFULLY living under a rock, instead of your member BEING a rock. It’s your choice. The video is here. 

Where are you?

Mill explores the nature of production, beginning with labour and its relationship to nature. He starts by stating, that the "requisites of production are two: labour, and appropriate natural objects." A discussion follows of man's connection to the natural world, and how man must labour to utilise almost anything found in the natural world. He uses a rich array of imagery, from the sewing of cloth, to the turning of wheels and the creation of steam. Man has found a way to harness nature, so that "the muscular action necessary for this is not constantly renewed, but performed once for all, and there is on the whole a great economy of labour." He then turns on the view of who "takes the credit" for industry. "Some writers," he says, "have raised the question, whether nature gives more assistance to labour in one kind of industry or in another; and have said that in some occupations labour does most, in others nature most. In this, however, there seems much confusion of ideas. The part which nature has in any work of man, is indefinite and incommensurable. It is impossible to decide that in any one thing nature does more than in any other. One cannot even say that labour does less. Less labour may be required; but if that which is required is absolutely indispensable, the result is just as much the product of labour, as of nature. When two conditions are equally necessary for producing the effect at all, it is unmeaning to say that so much of it is produced by one and so much by the other; it is like attempting to decide which half of a pair of scissors has most to do in the act of cutting; or which of the factors, five and six, contributes most to the production of thirty." He refers to former French Economists and Adam Smith, who thought land rents were higher because there was more nature being provided. In fact, says Mill, the simple answer is that land is scarce, which is what enables greater rent exaction. He mentions that many things are limited in abundance, for instance, Arctic whale fishing, which could not keep supplied the demand. This alludes to an introductory principle of value, that "as soon as there is not so much of the thing to be had, as would be appropriated and used if

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