Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Waves of blood flooding your penis tonight

What makes a man?

Is it someone who can bench press 250 lbs?

Is it someone who has a good job?

Is it someone who isn't afraid to speak in public?

The answer is "yes" to all of those things.

But none of them really matter...

If you don't have this one thing dialed in...

And that is this...

Can you get it up? And can you keep it up?


And when I say keep it up...I mean keep it up for at least half an hour...

Here's the secret to both:


If you can't do those two things. Nothing else matters.

After a failed session, your wife or girlfriend will say they don't mind.

I hate to break it to you.

They're lying. They don't want to hurt you and ruin the relationship.

But inside she's craving good sex...

She may be innocent, nice and never cheats.

But even those girls are secretly dreaming of another man who can rock their world in the bedroom.

If you're about to reach for the little blue pills...

I would advise against that. Have you seen the side effects on those labels?

Yeah...impotence is actually one of them...

And besides, they're just band-aids. They don't actually solve the problem.

Don't you want to get the source of your Erectile Dysfunction?

The one factor causing your ED that has NOTHING to do with your penis?

Don't you want to end your ED forever?

If so, I want you to watch this video...


And I want you to watch it right now...


P.S. When she's a sweaty mess, because of your hard rod banging her all night...

She will thank you for watching this video...

Trust me.


Thomas Edison conceived the principle of recording and reproducing sound between May and July 1877 as a byproduct of his efforts to "play back" recorded telegraph messages and to automate speech sounds for transmission by telephone.[28] His first experiments were with waxed paper.[29] He announced his invention of the first phonograph, a device for recording and replaying sound, on November 21, 1877 (early reports appear in Scientific American and several newspapers in the beginning of November, and an even earlier announcement of Edison working on a 'talking-machine' can be found in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 9 [30]), and he demonstrated the device for the first time on November 29 (it was patented on February 19, 1878, as US Patent 200,521). "In December, 1877, a young man came into the office of the Scientific American, and placed before the editors a small, simple machine about which very few preliminary remarks were offered. The visitor without any ceremony whatever turned the crank, and to the astonishment of all present the machine said: 'Good morning. How do you do? How do you like the phonograph?' The machine thus spoke for itself, and made known the fact that it was the phonograph..."[31] The music critic Herman Klein attended an early demonstration (1881–2) of a similar machine. On the early phonograph's reproductive capabilities he writes "It sounded to my ear like someone singing about half a mile away, or talking at the other end of a big hall; but the effect was rather pleasant, save for a peculiar nasal quality wholly due to the mechanism, though there was little of the scratching which later was a prominent feature of the flat disc. Recording for that primitive machine was a comparatively simple matter. I had to keep my mouth about six inches away from the horn and remember not to make my voice too loud if I wanted anything approximating to a clear reproduction; that was all. When it was played over to me and I heard my own voice for the first time, one or two friends who were present said that it sounded rather like mine; others declared that they would never have recognised it. I

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