Monday, January 23, 2023

You have to know this about your dishwasher!


If you're like us, then your kitchen is your happy place.

We love spending time in our kitchen. Preparing delicious meals. Having our morning coffee.

If your kitchen is your sanctuary, the last thing you want is a dirty dishwasher in it.

Many people don't realize this, but cleaning your actual dishwashing machine is VERY important.

You can't expect the dishwasher to clean your dishes properly if it's not clean itself!

Here are the signs that you need to use Fuugu to clean your dishwasher:

Your dishes don't come out clean and sparkly.

If your dishes come out of the dishwasher still looking dirty, then you need to clean your dishwasher.

Your dishwasher smells bad

If you can smell a foul odor coming from your dishwasher, it is past time to clean it! Fuugu can eliminate smells after just one cycle.

You can see hard water stains

Hard water and limescale damage both your dishes and your machine. Get rid of them with Fuugu!

Forget having a nasty dishwasher! Use Fuugu instead. All you need to do is place one tablet in the dishwasher and run a cycle. Your dishwasher will be sparkling clean after!

In the meantime, despite the activities of Loredan around Gallipoli, the situation in Thessalonica was so dire by October 1424 that the Great Council had to authorize the dispatch to the city of between 150 and 200 soldiers, as well as supplies and money.[53] On 13 January 1425, the Venetians decided to equip 25 galleys, an unusually large and expensive undertaking, for the next year; Fantino Michiel was appointed captain-general.[e] The fleet sailed in April, and was tasked both with settling affairs in the Venetian colonies and with reassuring the Thessalonians of Venetian support.[53][55] Michiel was also instructed to make contact with the Sultan and pledge considerable sums to the Grand Vizier, Çandarlı Ibrahim Pasha, and other members of the Ottoman court, in order to gain a sympathetic hearing. The Republic proposed to restore the salt pans that the Sultan had previously controlled, as well as the tribute of 100,000 aspers that Despot Andronikos had paid. The Venetians refused, however, to allow the Turks in the city to be tried by their own kadi, as had been the case under Andronikos, and insisted on the reinstatement of customs posts at the city gates. Michiel was further tasked with securing the release of Venetian citizens taken during an Ottoman raid into the Morea the previous March, and re-confirming the previous peace treaty of 1419, including, if possible, the restitution of the Marquisate of Bodonitsa to its ruler, Niccolo III Zorzi.[53] In July 1425, ten Venetian galleys under Michiel undertook an expedition east along the shores of Macedonia: the Venetians found Ierissos abandoned by its Ottoman garrison, but full of provisions, which they loaded onto their ships. After setting fire to the town and five other forts in the vicinity, the fleet moved onto Christopolis. The Venetians found the castle held by a 400-strong force of Ottoman sipahis, under the command of Ismail Bey. The first attempt to land, led by Alvise Loredan, was repulsed, and only after all the ships mustered their forces were the Venetians able to overcome Ottoman resistance in a four-hour-long battle: 41 Turks were killed, including Ismail Bey, and 30 taken prisoner. After strengthening the site with a stone wall and earthworks, and leaving a garrison of 80 foot soldiers and 50 crossbowmen

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