Tuesday, January 31, 2023

3 Super “Brain” Foods Stop Tinnitus

Do you absolutely hate that screaming kettle in your ear?

I used to have the WORST ringing in my ear too.

But that was before I discovered where tinnitus ACTUALLY comes from.

The ringing doesn't come from your ear at all!

It comes from the inflammation in one of the most important parts of your body!

The brain...

So here lies the question, "how to reduce inflammation?"

Here's what I found…

Certain critical foods you eat are one of the biggest reasons why you have inflammation!

So here are the best 5 tinnitus killer foods you NEED to start adding to your diet if you want this dreaded sound gone forever...

HINT: One of them will absolutely rid you of this mad disease!

I ate all these foods and in just a few weeks I had already felt a huge difference!

It was no longer a screaming kettle...

Amazed, I knew I needed to share this success.

Learn more here if you want the full scoop on how I destroyed tinnitus once and for all.

See more here...

The sound vibrations had been indented in the wax which had been applied to the Edison phonograph. The following was the text of one of their recordings: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy. I am a Graphophone and my mother was a phonograph."[46] Most of the disc machines designed at the Volta Lab had their disc mounted on vertical turntables. The explanation is that in the early experiments, the turntable, with disc, was mounted on the shop lathe, along with the recording and reproducing heads. Later, when the complete models were built, most of them featured vertical turntables.[45] One interesting exception was a horizontal seven inch turntable. The machine, although made in 1886, was a duplicate of one made earlier but taken to Europe by Chichester Bell. Tainter was granted U.S. Patent 385,886 on July 10, 1888. The playing arm is rigid, except for a pivoted vertical motion of 90 degrees to allow removal of the record or a return to starting position. While recording or playing, the record not only rotated, but moved laterally under the stylus, which thus described a spiral, recording 150 grooves to the inch.[45] The basic distinction between the Edison's first phonograph patent and the Bell and Tainter patent of 1886 was the method of recording. Edison's method was to indent the sound waves on a piece of tin foil, while Bell and Tainter's invention called for cutting, or "engraving", the sound waves into a wax record with a sharp recording stylus.[45] Graphophone commercialization A later-model Columbia Graphophone of 1901 3:52 Edison-Phonograph playing: Iola by the Edison Military Band (video, 3 min 51 s) In 1885, when the Volta Associates were sure that they had a number of

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