Thursday, January 19, 2023

Have 20/20 vision thanks to this groundbreaking stem cell discovery


Scientists from Yale, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and the National Health Services in the U.K. have made a breakthrough discovery in stem cells.

They found the key to "reverse" your aging vision.

ALL thanks to groundbreaking research in the field of adult repair stem cells.

And while many options out there involve trips to doctors, huge needles, risky procedures, and tens of thousands of dollars out of your pocket, this breakthrough:

    • Is 100% natural 
    • Doesn't require a single doctor visit 
  • Is wildly inexpensive, yet it's proven to be 100% safe and effective in numerous human studies. 

>> Breakthrough stem cell discovery for perfect 20/20 vision

In fact, it's already being used by 110,000 men and women all across the U.S…

Many of whom were afraid that their days of crystal-clear vision were gone forever.

Yet now, they're seeing better than they have in decades

ALL thanks to what they discovered inside a short video presentation.

>> Click here to watch the presentation and achieve perfect 20/20 vision


On 5 October 2005, Moynihan was elected chairman of the British Olympic Association (BOA), for the run-up to the 2012 London Olympic Games. He beat the 1968 Olympic hurdles champion, David Hemery, by a vote of 28 to 15.[8] He was re-elected unopposed in 2008. He has served on a number of committees and commissions for the International Olympic Committee including the IOC International Relations Commission, the IOC 2009 Congress Editorial Committee and as an executive board member of the Association of National Olympic Committees from 2006 to 2011. He was elected to the European Olympic Committee Executive Board in 2009. In the context of the London 2012 Olympic Games, Lord Moynihan was a director of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG), where he also served on the LOCOG Audit Committee; a trustee of International Inspiration and a member of the Olympic Board, which had oversight of the London 2012 Games. Chairmanship controversy and resignation In March 2011, it was reported that Moynihan's future as BOA chairman seemed in doubt, because of a dispute with the organisers of the London 2012 Olympics which revolved around the funding of the Paralympics. Moynihan led the BOA in challenging a "clear cut" International Olympic Committee rule that shares of any profit from the 2012 Games must take into account the costs of Paralympic games. His costly pursuit of this legal action was considered deeply embarrassing to BOA's National Olympic Committee members.[9] In April 2011 the dispute with the London Organising Committee who were supported by the International Olympic Committee was resolved with the BOA, when the latter backed down from its demands. In April 2011 the dispute with the London Organising Committee who

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