Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Terrifying Event That Will Change The Life As We Know It

Fellow Patriot,

You might find this DISTURBING, but I have to share it.

Media isn’t saying a word about THIS since it would create MASS HYSTERIA and CHAOS.

But the REAL truth I’m about to expose will make even the most tough-minded patriot’s blood boil.
›› If you want to cut straight to the chase just CLICK HERE ‹‹


…It has NOTHING to do with potential nuclear attacks, EMP’s or even terrorism!

It has NOTHING to do with Russia or China or any outside forces!

No. The threat is right here, in our “backyards” and it will cause millions to beg at the food line, pray for food stamps and scrape for scraps of rotten bread just to feed their children.

And if you want to avoid it I urge you to take a look at THIS right now.

Stay safe,

P.S. Important to know! The government simply CANNOT steal THIS from you.

bruary 1962, John Glenn became the first American in orbit, aboard Friendship 7 on a Mercury-Atlas rocket. The USSR launched five more cosmonauts in Vostok capsules, including the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, aboard Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. Through 1963, the US launched a total of two astronauts in suborbital flights and four into orbit. The US also made two North American X-15 flights (90 and 91, piloted by Joseph A. Walker), that exceeded the Kármán line, the 100 kilometres (62 mi) altitude used by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) to denote the edge of space. In 1961, US President John F. Kennedy raised the stakes of the Space Race by setting the goal of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth by the end of the 1960s.[5] That same year, the US began the Apollo program of launching three-man capsules atop the Saturn family of launch vehicles. In 1962, the US began Project Gemini, which flew 10 missions with two-man crews launched by Titan II rockets in 1965 and 1966. Gemini's objective was to support Apollo by developing American orbital spaceflight experience and techniques to be used during the Moon mission.[6] Meanwhile, the USSR remained silent about their intentions to send humans to the Moon and proceeded to stretch the limits of their single-pilot Vostok capsule by adapting it to a two or three-person Voskhod capsule to compete with Gemini. They were able to launch two orbital flights in 1964 and 1965 and achieved the first spacewalk, performed by Alexei Leonov on Voskhod 2, on 8 March 1965. However, the Voskhod did not have Gemini's capability to maneuver in orbit, and the program was terminated. The US Gemini flights did not achieve the first spacewalk, but overcame the early Soviet lead by performing several spacewalks, solving the problem of astronaut fatigue caused by compensating for the lack of gravity, demonstrating the ability of humans to endure two weeks in space, and performing the first space rendezvous and docking of spacecraft. The US succeeded in developing the Saturn V rocket necessary to send t

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