Thursday, January 5, 2023

Say Goodbye to Kale

Deep in the Himalayan Mountains is a forest of trees that’s used by locals to fight against arthritis, diabetes, and other illnesses caused by inflammation.

And even though it’s been used extensively in ancient medical practices like Ayurvedic medicine for over 4,000 years…

It’s just recently caught the attention of our government.

Check this out.

It has been given an ORAC score of 157,000.

What the heck is that?

Well, the ORAC Score is the (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).

It’s a method developed by scientists at the National Institute of Health and Aging (NIH) to measure the antioxidant capacity of different foods.

The higher the number the better.

And to put that score into perspective…

Here are the ORAC scores of a few of the most highly touted antioxidant rich superfoods.

  • Garlic - 5,708
  • Blueberries -  9,621
  • Dark Chocolate - 20,816

As you can see, none of them even comes close to Moringa’s score.

And I want you to experience firsthand the amazing power of this superfood.

Which is why I want to give you 3 containers absolutely free.

I know you’re gonna love it.

Get your 3 Free containers in just a few seconds here

Trust me, you’ll feel the difference.

[[spin{James Charles|Esther|Shanel|Ronald}spin]]

PS- Besides its sky-high antioxidant power, Moringa has a TON of proven health benefits too, for example…

It’s been shown to:

  •       Reduce Inflammation
  •       Balances Hormones and Slows the Effects of Aging
  •       Helps Improve Digestive Health
  •       Balances Blood Sugar Levels
  •       Protects and Nourishes the Skin
  •       Helps Stabilize Your Mood and Protects Brain Health

Claim your 3 free containers here.

In zoological nomenclature, the type of a species or subspecies is a specimen or series of specimens. The type of a genus or subgenus is a species. The type of a suprageneric taxon (e.g., family, etc.) is a genus. Names higher than superfamily rank do not have types. A "name-bearing type" is a specimen or image that "provides the objective standard of reference whereby the application of the name of a nominal taxon can be determined." Definitions A type specimen is a vernacular term (not a formally defined term) typically used for an individual or fossil that is any of the various name-bearing types for a species. For example, the type specimen for the species Homo neanderthalensis was the specimen "Neanderthal-1" discovered by Johann Karl Fuhlrott in 1856 at Feldhofer in the Neander Valley in Germany, consisting of a skullcap, thigh bones, part of a pelvis, some ribs, and some arm and shoulder bones. There may be more than one type specimen, but there is (at least in modern times) only one holotype. A type species is the nominal species that is the name-bearing type of a nominal genus or subgenus. A type genus is the nominal genus that is the name-bearing type of a nominal family-group taxon. The type series are all those specimens included by the author in a taxon's formal descripti

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