Tuesday, February 7, 2023

New Study: This Is What Herpes Can Do To Your Brain

Even Oxford and Cambridge doctors were alarmed when they saw this...

As new research reveals the true place where the cold sore virus hides!

And it's not just "skin deep", as everybody is falsely led to believe...

Instead, the virus creeps in this vital part of our body!

See here all the evidence:

Where the cold sore virus really hides.

Much of the biographical information on Kuhnau is known from an autobiography published by Johann Mattheson in 1740 in his Grundlage einer Ehrenpforte. Kuhnau's Protestant family was originally from Bohemia, and their name was Kuhn. Kuhnau was born in Geising, present-day Saxony. His musical talents were apparent early, and in around 1670, he was sent to Dresden to study with court musicians there. During the next decade, he studied keyboard playing and music composition, as well as French and Italian. In 1680, an offshoot of the Great Plague of Vienna reached Dresden, and Kuhnau returned home. He subsequently studied music at the Johanneum in Zittau, and then law at Leipzig University. Exceptionally active as a composer and performer during his university years, he was appointed organist of Leipzig's Thomaskirche in 1684, at the age of 24.[1] In 1688, Kuhnau completed his dissertation and began practicing law. He was still working as an organist and continued composing. In 1689 he published his first collection of keyboard works, followed by three more in 1692, 1696, and 1700. During the 1690s, he translated a number of books into German from Italian and French, completed and published his best-known novel, the satirical Der musicalische Quack-Salber (1700), and devoted his spare time to studying various subjects such as mathematics, Hebrew and Greek. In 1701 he succeeded Johann Schelle as Thomaskantor and kept the position until his death. Unfortunately, although he was successful in directing the many musical activities of the Thomaskirche and teaching at Thomasschule, Kuhnau started suffering from bad health. Scholar Willi Apel noted that the job was "as vexatious and difficult for him as for his successor, J.S. Bach."[2] Not only health troubles, but also efforts by rival musicians and composers such as Georg Philipp Telemann and Kuhnau's own student Johann Friedrich Fasch, undermined his activities as Kantor.[1] Kuhnau died in Leipzig on 5 June 1722.[3] He was sur

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