Thursday, February 23, 2023

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Antwerp was captured on 4 September,[84] with its port facilities largely intact thanks to the British Army's rapid advance, and the efforts of the Belgian Resistance, which assisted the British 11th Armoured Division in finding the least heavily defended route into the city and forestalled the German demolition of the port facilities.[85] Antwerp was just 65 miles (105 km) from the depots around Liège supporting the First Army, and even though the Third Army depots around Nancy were 250 miles (400 km) from Antwerp, this was closer than Cherbourg, which was more than 400 miles (640 km) from the depots. It was estimated that 21 divisions could be supported from Cherbourg, of which 6 would be by road and 15 by rail, but 54 divisions could be supported by rail from Antwerp.[31] However, the Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay,[86] noted on 3 September that the entrances to Antwerp and Rotterdam could be blocked and mined, and it could not be predicted how long it would take to open them.[31] Operations to clear the Scheldt estuary were initiated by the First Canadian Army in October, and completed in the first week of November.[87] Both COMZ and the 12th Army Group urged SHAEF to allocate a portion of Antwerp's capacity to the support of the American forces. On considering the matter, SHAEF concluded that Antwerp was indeed sufficiently large to serve the needs of both the British and American forces.[82] Eisenhower rejected a proposal from Lee that it be operated jointly, as joint control of ports had been shown to not work well in the past; the port was to be run by the British.[88] Lee arranged a conference in Antwerp

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