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organizations in Russian history were called council (Russian: совет). In the Russian Empire, the State Council, which functioned from 1810 to 1917, was referred to as a Council of Ministers.[13] The Soviets as workers' councils first appeared during the Russian revolution of 1905.[14][15] Although they were quickly suppressed by the imperial army, after the February revolution of 1917, workers' and soldiers' Soviets emerged throughout the country, and shared power with the Russian Provisional Government.[14][16] The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, demanded that all power be transferred to the Soviets, and gained support from the workers and soldiers.[17] After the October coup of 1917, where they seized power from the Provisional Government in the name of the Soviets,[16][18] Lenin proclaimed the formation of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic (RSFSR).[19] During the Georgian Affair of 1922, Lenin called for the RSFSR and other national Soviet republics to form a greater union which he initially named as the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia (Russian: Союз Советских Республик Европы и Азии, romanized: Soiuz Sovetskikh Respublik Evropy i Azii).[20] Joseph Stalin initially resisted Lenin's proposal but ultimately accepted it, and with Lenin's agreement he changed the name to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), although all republics began as socialist soviet and did not change to the other order until 1936

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