Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Open positions

Hello Bloglaura,


Hiring good people is really tough always - but especially this year. In fact, without enterprise-level resources and intelligent and hard work it's nearly impossible. I worked obsessively this year to build a data infrastructure to recruit successfully in this market.  

What works is to engage as many qualified people as possible in your search area, whether they are actively looking or not, sharing why it is in their best interest to respond. Until they do I don't mention my client's company name. The best don't change jobs that often, but almost everyone is receptive from time to time.

Before I accept a new project, I research the current market thoroughly and send you some qualified people who are active. I won't accept an assignment where I can succeed - period. So if you want to do a short call and share your job description with me, the worst thing that can happen is that you will gain insight into the current market and some qualified candidates.

Since 2004, I have worked on an hourly basis for my clients because only consistent hard work every week gets results. Normally 7-10 hours per week at 75 per hour.

If this resonates, let's plan to talk soon



Colin Miller

President/Senior Recruiter

Helping You Hire

(415) 857-0457







to truncate peacejen1.blog@blogger.com click here

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