Monday, March 6, 2023

“you never told me it was so BIG!” [40% growth]

You HAVE to see this, friend!

This guy had a MINUSCULE dinky but then he found an ancient growth secret that almost made his wife choke to death with his new MONSTROUS size!

He said he’d been humiliated all his life until he found this.

He used to have it really really small, and he thought he was always going to stay like this.

“All the women, including my wife were shaming me for not being a man among men”, he shouted at the reporter.

But his luck changed after he visited these 3 countries, Ecuador, Cameroon and Bolivia.

Long story short.

Wife spends two weeks in the hospital with her throat fractured, the guy ends up in jail for 6 months.

As revenge, he posted all his findings online (which he says he’ll take them down soon) for all men to take their rightful place as kings.

A sacred super nutrient mix that gives you 3, 4, even 5 (as some reported) inches on your size.

The story is crazy but the secret was too important to keep to myself.

So if you ever wished to add a few more inches on your member, then this right here is what you’ve been looking for all along.

And there something else!

The thousands of guys who have already tried this say they noticed some strange effects of this method.

Apparently this makes your body eliminate a natural pheromone through its pores that makes any partner crave for your member.

They call this cocktail THE CHOKER!

That’s because women get extremely addicted and aroused when they see it and some even said they choked on their partner’s Johnson multiple times.

So be careful how you use this!

You alone are responsible for what happens next when you get that big monstrous king size Gorilla!

tasked with recovering the bodies. On 9 March, he and Terence Farrell (Mairéad Farrell's brother) travelled to Gibraltar to identify the bodies. Austin negotiated a charter aircraft to collect the corpses from Gibraltar and fly them to Dublin on 14 March. In 2017 it emerged that Charles Haughey had secretly requested that the Royal Air Force fly the bodies direct to Belfast, bypassing the Republic of which he was Taoiseach.[36] Two thousand people waited to meet the coffins in Dublin, which were then driven north to Belfast.[37] At the border, the Northern Irish authorities met the procession with a large number of police and military vehicles, and insisted on intervals between the hearses, causing tensions between police and members of the procession and leading to accusations that the police rammed Savage's hearse.[38] The animosity continued until the procession split to allow the hearses to travel to the respective family homes. British soldiers and police flooded the neighbourhoods to try to prevent public displays of sympathy for the dead. Later that evening, a local IRA member, Kevin McCracken, was shot and allegedly then beaten to death by a group of soldiers he had been attempting to shoot at.[39] The joint funeral of McCann, Farrell and Savage took place on 16 March at Milltown Cemetery in Belfast. The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) agreed to maintain a minimal presence at the funeral in exchange for guarantees from the families that there would be no salute by masked gunmen.[40] This agreement was leaked to Michael Stone, who described himself as a "freelance Loyalist paramilitary".[41] During the burial, Stone threw grenades into the crowd and began shooting with an automatic pistol, injuring 60 people. Several mourners chased Stone, throwing rocks and shouting abuse. Stone continued shooting and throwing gren

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