Friday, December 9, 2022

The "Hidden Survival Muscle" In Your Body

Hip flexors is the longest muscle in the body and the only muscle that connects the upper body and lower body, also known as the psoas (pronounced so-az).

Your psoas...

…stabilize your trunk and spine during movement and sitting

…allow you to bend your hips and legs towards your chest

…support your internal organs

…is connected to your diaphragm which allows you to walk and breathe.

In other words, your psoas has a direct influence on your fight or flight response!

If the psoas get tight and weak, it can be a real pain but working certain muscles and doing the certain exercise combinations provide easy fixes.

So... If you experience...

low back pain
hip pain
pain while walking or moving
trouble sleeping
shortness of breath

You need to start undoing some of the damage done to your body and start helping the body to naturally heal itself.

Here are the best strategies to Go from “Sore” to “Supple”.

To your better health,


ary 1912, while Stalin was in exile, the first Bolshevik Central Committee was elected at the Prague Conference.[118] Shortly after the conference, Lenin and Grigory Zinoviev decided to co-opt Stalin to the committee.[118] Still in Vologda, Stalin agreed, remaining a Central Committee member for the rest of his life.[119] Lenin believed that Stalin, as a Georgian, would help secure support for the Bolsheviks from the empire's minority ethnicities.[120] In February 1912, Stalin again escaped to Saint Petersburg,[121] tasked with converting the Bolshevik weekly newspaper, Zvezda ("Star") into a daily, Pravda ("Truth").[122] The new newspaper was launched in April 1912,[123] although Stalin's role as editor was kept secret.[123] In May 1912, he was arrested again and imprisoned in the Shpalerhy Prison, before being sentenced to three years exile in Siberia.[124] In July, he arrived at the Siberian village of Narym,[125] where he shared a room with a fellow Bolshevik Yakov Sverdlov.[126] After two months, Stalin and Sverdlov escaped back to Saint Petersburg.[127] During a brief period back in Tiflis, Stalin and the Outfit planned the ambush of a mail coach, during which most of the group — although not Stalin — were apprehended by the authorities.[128] Stalin returned to Saint Petersburg, where he continued editing and writing articles for Pravda.[129] Stalin in 1915 After the October 1912 Duma elections, where six Bolsheviks and six Mensheviks were elected, Stalin wrote articles calling for reconciliation between the two Marxist factions, for which Lenin criticised him.[130] In late 1912, Stalin twice crossed into the Austro-Hungarian Empire to visit Lenin in Kraków,[131] eventually bo

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