Thursday, December 29, 2022

Try this 20-sec "foot detox." (Studies show THIS works every time.)


Want to get rid of cramps, fatigue, and pain…

In just 20 seconds a day?

Just follow this weird "detox massage" trick...

It's quick and easy to do...

Yet clinical trials show that it works ALL THE TIME:

1) Lay in your bed...

2) Just squeeze THIS on your foot for 2 seconds...

And FLUSH OUT all the toxins and pain from your body overnight. 

"Detox Massage" Trick FLUSHES OUT Pain, Fatigue, & Cramps.



The FLNC originated as the Katangese Gendarmerie, the military of the secessionist State of Katanga during the Congo Crisis. After the defeat of the Katanga Secession, many of the black Katanga troops were forced into exile in Portuguese Angola in the mid-1960s. Led by Nathaniel Mbumba,[1] they fought for the Portuguese colonial power during the Angolan War of Independence and eventually formed the FLNC in 1967. After the defeat of the Portuguese in 1974, they joined the victorious MPLA.[2] The FLNC did not have any political program other than ending Mobutu's grip on Zaire.[3] FLNC troops were said to have been trained by Cuban advisers.[4] The FLNC was formed in Angola under the leadership of Nathaniel Mbumba with the goal of expelling Mobutu Sese Seko, the leader of Zaire. Shaba I Main article: Shaba I The FLNC, numbering about 1500 people, invaded Shaba (the new name of the Katanga) from eastern Angola on 7 March 1977. Seeking to overthrow Mobutu, the FLNC quickly captured Kolwezi, Kasaji, and Mutshatsha. Mobutu appealed to William Eteki of Cameroon, Chairman of the Organization of African Unity, for assistance on 2 April. The French government airlifted 1,500 Moroccan troops into Kinshasa on 10 April. The French reinforcements worked in conjunction with the Zairian Armed Forces to beat back the FLNC with air cover from Egyptian pilots flying F

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