Sunday, May 7, 2023

Invitation to try WebLeads 9.0 for Google Analytics.

      Invitation to Linkedin member to try WebLeads 9.0 for Google Analytics.

Google Analytics 4 Powerful Add-on from Fastbase Now Identifies Mobile Visitors.

The add-on combined with Fastbase WebLeads 9.0 script correlates mobile visitors with companies.

Fastbase has just launched a next generation Google Analytics 4 powerful add-on that tracks and identifies mobile devices on websites and turns them into leads, displaying only the qualified visitors that they believe are legitimate prospects.

Mobile search has completely overtaken desktop searches and it continues to rise. Sistrix analyzed billions of searches and discovered that 64% are carried out on mobile phones and only 35% on the desktop. The number of keywords that are characterized by mobile traffic is twice the number of keywords coming from desktop devices and while almost 36% of desktop users will click the first entry in the search results, less (just under 30%) click the first result in mobile searches.

There's another bombshell coming. Google's algorithms will eventually primarily use the mobile version of a site's content to rank pages from that site.

For any companies tracking their web-site traffic for leads, the new generation Google Analytics 4 powerful add-on from Fastbase in conjunction with WebLeads 9.0 will keep them abreast of B2B mobile web-visitors. Until recently it was only possible to identify visitors from the web, now this add-on can identify iOS and Android devices visiting too. The devil is in the details. This new add-on provides plenty of extra information though. Now we get extra clarity about which app was being used during the visit, which screen, the operating system used, and specific device details linked to the company that was visiting.

Rasmus Refer, Fastbase's CEO is enthusiastic: "This new mobile intelligence is a game-changer. It will have a huge impact on B2B businesses providing them with much more web visitor data. The value-add is the fact that we tell you where the devices are located and from which company - we are not just providing anonymous stats. The additional information you get with the Google Analytics 4 add-on combined with WebLeads 9.0 means generating a significant increase in leads."

Sign in with Google Analytics and try WebLeads 9.0 for free.

© 2022 Fastbase Inc.

Fastbase Inc. is listed on the OTC Stock market under the ticker code: FBSE

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