Thursday, November 3, 2022

MD: Lower your glycemia in 4.2 seconds


Who would've thought that something so easy, like drinking 2.25 liters of water each day (or 0.6 gallons)…

Could make your blood sugar levels drop from 450 to 110…

The secret is to calculate the right amount of water properly for your body and the MDs from New Castle University shows in this short video what you need to do.

Make insulin shots completely useless and immediately reverse your Type 2 Diabetes with a water drinking hack? It's like you never had diabetes!

Gabrielle Garcia, 53,  was at death's door when she tried it. At 232lbs she had already suffered a heart attack.

After seeing this breakthrough research, she freed herself in less than 2 months of her Type Two Diabetes and 18 months later she's still a free woman and weighs 63 lbs less.

 =>See How Water Destroys Diabetes in This Revealing Short Documentary

 Stay healthy,


under the direction of the paid staff. Nonprofits must be careful to balance the salaries paid to staff against the money paid to provide services to the nonprofit's beneficiaries. Organizations whose salary expenses are too high relative to their program expenses may face regulatory scrutiny.[10] A second misconception is that nonprofit organizations may not make a profit. Although the goal of nonprofits is not specifically to maximize profits, they still have to operate as a fiscally responsible business. They must manage their income (both grants and donations and income from services) and expenses so as to remain a fiscally viable entity. Nonprofits have the responsibility of focusing on being professional, financially responsible, replacing self-interest and profit motive with mission motive.[11] Though nonprofits are managed differently from for-profit businesses, they have felt pressure to be more businesslike. To combat private and public business growth in the public service industry, nonprofits have modeled their business management and mission, shifting their raison d'être to establish sustainability and growth.[12] Setting effective missions is a key for the successful management of nonprofit organizations.[13] There are three important conditions for effective mission: opportunity, competence, and commitment.[13] One way of managing the sustainability of nonprofit organizations is to establish strong relations with

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