Monday, January 31, 2022

Google Analytics: You’re Doing It Wrong (And 3 Quick Tips For Doing Things Right)

New York, January 20, 2022

Google Analytics: You're Doing It Wrong (And 3 Quick Tips For Doing Things Right)

While solopreneurs and big businesses have a lot of differences, there's one thing they have in common: in today's day and age, they have to rely on Google.

If you're going to use Google, you're going to need to learn to use Google Analytics. When used properly, this valuable resource will give you insights to improve your marketing, web content and more.

The problem, though?

Most freelancers and solopreneurs don't have any idea how to use it. It's time to fix that.

3 Massive Ways To (Finally) Do Things Correctly With Google Analytics

Google Analytics can be your best friend, if you use it right. So what are my go-to tips for actually getting useful results from the great Google?

First, monitor your bounce rate like a hawk. This number reveals how many people click away from your site almost instantly after landing on it. Taking steps to lower your bounce rate (like making sure you're showing up in the right search results or that you have a killer landing page) will greatly improve on-site conversion rates.

Secondly, make organic traffic your main focus when looking for Analytics insights. Paid traffic is great, but organic traffic is what will provide you with key audience insights. Understanding how users behave once they're on your site (as well as who these people are) will give you a better idea of who your target audience is and what they need.

Finally, don't be afraid to use the occasional tool or plug-in to make your Google Analytics life easier and more efficient. A great example of this is WebLeads 8.0 for Google Analytics from Fastbase. This tool works with Google Analytics to filter web traffic into identifiable leads so you can get a better idea of the people and organizations that are interested in your business.

By identifying the companies visiting your site, you can reach out to them quickly to turn them into leads — or paying customers.

Read the full article in Forbes.


Private invitation to order shares in Fastbase Inc. with discount.

Since your company is using Google Analytics you have the opportunity to purchase up to 10,000 shares at US$ 1.95 per share including a discount on a first come first serve basis.

Fastbase, one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS web analytics and lead generation tools built on Google Analytics is listed on the OTC Stock Market in New York.

Fastbase News and stock quote.

Data analytics is key to the success of Fastbase - extending the power of marketing into digital sales. Matching analytical data from Google search with data from Fastbase's proprietary database provides Google Analytics users with "cultivated data".

Since the summer Fastbase shares have seen phenomenal growth and possibly this has influenced several investor sites to give a twelve-month forecast of over $12. The overall strategic objective is a potential listing on the NASDAQ by end 2022.

You can make the reservation of shares to or use the investor form. 



Sign up with Google Analytics and try the new WebLeads 8.0



© 2022 Fastbase Inc.

Fastbase Inc. is listed on the OTC Stock market under the ticker code: FBSE

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