Friday, August 27, 2021

Considering new international markets?

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Local Pro Services
GTT enables your company to make informed business decisionsand avoid costly mistakes due to lack of market data. GTT's Local Pro Services (LPS) assists you in obtaining targeted perspectives and market expertise by addressing the unique business challenges of each country. Our local pros perform grassroots customer acceptance studies of your products and services in your targeted countries and their local markets.
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Your boots on the street
GTT�s local pros help to pre-emptively solve problems that companies across the globe experience when entering a new foreign market, as well as, assists with any ongoing issues once in the market.
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  • Business to business Research
  • Qualitative research
  • Logistics information
  • Data collection
  • Surveys
  • Personnel tasks
  • Local ground support
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Global Telecom Testing, LLC . 2645 Executive Park Drive, Suite 502 . Weston, FL 33331

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