Thursday, July 15, 2021

Once a squirter....


I met this feisty little hottie in this crazy little Irish dive bar one time.


We weren’t a fit for each other (it’s ok these things happen, but the intel you’ll read below is priceless.) 


She was a rather open-minded, sexually evolved person. We had a long, wildly explicit, funny talk about...




You see, she met this man. 


And even though he wasn’t that attractive physically, she found the chemistry between them to be electric. 


“F*cking magical” were her words.


During their first sexually intimate encounter, she had EIGHT orgasms


Her body loved him from the start. 


She was astonished. Speechless. 


Her body was revealing her ability to have orgasms, and it did things she never expected or experienced before... including squirting.


And that night, she squirted copiously. 


She was a curious one. She tasted it. 


It was clear, colorless, odorless and a little sweet. 


Yet, as all the experts tell us-–definitely not pee.


Later, this guy, who had prompted her body to experience female ejaculation, became her boyfriend and helped her explore her sexuality.


Including the phenomenon of squirting orgasms in different ways.


He taught her not to be ashamed or embarrassed. Instead, she should be proud.




One of the things he taught her... did you know the squirting fluids has special mystical significance and powers?


It’s called the Amrita. Of which the Tantric therapists and practitioners have known for a long time... Amrita meaning “divine nectar.”


Said another way, gushing is the release of sacred waters. 


This beautiful lady described the release as a pleasurable experience (although a messy one.)


And oddly enough, she relates the story of her experience to her gynecologist. The doctor offered no explanation about what was happening except to observe that...


“Once you become a squirter, you’re always a squirter”. 




This woman also says she now empties her bladder before sex to be sure she’s not urinating.


It is, she says, “all about bearing down when the sensation comes instead of clenching up.” 


Good to know, isn’t it?


And, she adds, a woman needs to feel safe with her partner and completely relaxed with him.


Why? Because this is a process which involves letting go and being vulnerable.


You can learn essential, must-understand things like this in Marcus London’s Squirting School.


You see, squirting orgasms are one of the most intimate experiences a woman can have.


She has to be with someone she trusts.


And right now, Marcus is accepting new students


It gets better. Because of my relationship with him, he’s giving my tribe a special enrollment deal.


Check out Marcus’ Squirting School out here.


But it’s only available until midnight.


Jump on this, while it’s on your mind. Before you know it, it’ll be gone.


I’d love for my whole tribe to be able to make a woman squirt.



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