Sunday, November 8, 2020

Regarding Xposures hair

Hi Bloglaura,

My name is Jereme Shelton, I am a former franchisor and now head up franchise development for a full-service franchise law firm called Shelton Law & Associates.

We are not only a full-service franchise law firm, but we also serve as a one-stop-shop for converting independent businesses into scalable franchises.  Our team of specialists and attorneys has over 50 years of combined experience in franchising and business ownership.

We've identified Xposures hair as a great fit for what we do.

Whether the timing is right now or in the future, I wanted to reach out and let you know how we can help:

  1. We have been and currently are a franchisor ourselves, so our expertise does not just come from our education, but walking in your shoes;
  2. We offer a free consultation to all first-time clients to determine what services best fit your needs; and
  3. Our firm provides ongoing, flat monthly retainers - with no billable hours - operating as your outsourced in-house counsel.

I'd love to jump on a quick call to see if we might be a good fit to work together. 

I look forward to your reply and scheduling a time to talk.


Jereme Shelton
Franchise Development Manager | Shelton Law & Associates 


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