Thursday, October 24, 2019

Help a Widow in Syria

My Divine Helper,

I dont know you yet but It is my prayer that God in his Mercy can
use you to help me and my son get out of Syria. I dont know who
else I can call to help me at this point. If you have the
connection to help me quietly to get out and move to your country
I will reward you and Allah will bless you to.

My name is Mrs. Samira Abadi from Aleppo, Syria. I and my only
surviving son wish to escape to your country due to the war here.
I lost my husband and other 2 girls were killed by bombing. My
husband before his death was prepared for us all to leave to the
USA. But he could not fulfill this desire before his death.

Please can you assist as I will give you full details upon your
response and most importantly keep this communication
confidential as my life is under serious threat. The person we
hoped to help us tried to betray us to the Government side before
I managed to escape with my son to the city Raqqa where I am
currently keeping a low profile with my son. Finally, I will wait
to hear from you and ASAP. May almighty God bless you as you
consider helping a widow like me.

Very Respectfully,
Samira Abadi

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