Thursday, July 11, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 7/11/2013

Network Updates, Jul 4 - Jul 11
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Lisa Zerarka
Lisa Zerarka During trending events, political elections and global crises, millions of people turn to social channels for information and support. From now until the next big thing, social media will be first on the scene at every event, election and crisis. But just because social networks are full of information and data, doesn’t mean the publicThe post 3 Ways Social Media Command Centers Improve Newsrooms ~ White Paper appeared first on HootSuite Social Media Management.
3 Ways Social Media Command Centers Improve Newsrooms ~ White Paper
3 Ways Social Media Command Centers Improve Newsrooms ~ White Paper
In this White Paper, discover how newsrooms can enhance their effectiveness by capitalizing on the wealth of social data with a social media command center.
Kendra Thomas
Kendra Thomas Business Inspiration
4 Ways To Make Your Trade Show Booth More Social
4 Ways To Make Your Trade Show Booth More Social
Trade shows are both fun and lucrative, especially when you’re trying to bring in a bigger customer base. The problem is that some of those booths look the same. After a while, they all start to blend together. With everyone on social media these...
Vera Anderson
Vera Anderson According to the Heritage Foundation the Amnesty will cost just a little more for all you people that have jobs just as you find out your hours are being cut.
Amnesty price tag? $6.3 trillion
Amnesty will cost American taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion in welfare and other public benefits, according to a Heritage Foundation study. Former Republican senator Jim DeMint, now president of the foundation, announced the...
Abbie Major
Abbie Major I have a PLAN to help YOU get awesome skin #constantcontact
I have a PLAN to help YOU get awesome skin
I have a PLAN to help YOU get awesome skin
If you are my client there is a very good chance that you are using and loving Osmosis Skincare! I know MY skin is a HUGE fan:) You should think about scheduling a complementary product consultation bc it might be time to take your skin to the...
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