Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 6/12/2013

Network Updates, Jun 5 - Jun 12
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Lisa Zerarka
Lisa Zerarka With the number of social networks on the rise, most businesses are now creating multiple accounts and pages for different audiences, locations and products. While this expands their social reach, it also can be tough to weave your way through the mass of messaging that exists on each of these networks. With that in mind,The post An Introduction to Social Listening With HootSuite University, Part 2 appeared first on HootSuite Social Media Management.
An Introduction to Social Listening With HootSuite University, Part 2
An Introduction to Social Listening With HootSuite University, Part 2
Learn to use HootSuite search streams, tools that serve as aggregators for social listening.
Abbie Major
Abbie Major DRINK a Refreshing Glass of UV Protection! Bottoms up! #constantcontact
DRINK a Refreshing Glass of UV Protection! Bottoms up!
DRINK a Refreshing Glass of UV Protection! Bottoms up!
UV Protection Water created by Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare is an IDEAL form of sun protection because it promotes tanning AND is broad spectrum! How cool is THAT? The frequencies that have been imprinted on water will vibrate...
Vera Anderson
Vera Anderson So much for the "Free" Obamacare.
Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health...
Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health...
Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. “These rates are way below the worst-case gloom-and-doom scenarios we have heard,” boasted...
Elise D'Andrea
Elise D'Andrea Proud to announce that I have started at Kutting Edge Salon / Nail Tech. I also have become a distributor for an amazing product called "Seacret". If you can check out my web site on the product.
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