Thursday, December 13, 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 12/13/2012

Network Updates, Dec 6 - Dec 13
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Lisa Zerarka
Lisa Zerarka   Over the past year, HootSuite University has released over 30 Lecture Series featuring expertise and best practices from industry thought leaders in the social space. To cap off 2012, we’re celebrating 12 of these leading educators and sharing their powerful content on social media, to help you sprint to the finish line and hit the ground running inThe post Day 7: How to Drive Results with LinkedIn Company Pages ~ 12 Days of Lecture Series appeared first on HootSuite Social Media Management.
Day 7: How to Drive Results with LinkedIn Company Pages ~ 12 Days of Lecture Series
Day 7: How to Drive Results with LinkedIn Company Pages ~ 12 Days of...
Get tactical tips from LinkedIn and learn how to effectively engage with your followers and tell your company’s story through LinkedIn Company Pages.
Tami deVries
Tami deVries Another great Therapy-G male testimonial...To order online go to
Therapy-G Testimonial Robert A.mp4
Therapy-G Testimonial Robert A.mp4
Therapy-G male testimonial for Therapy-G hair care products for fine and thinning hair and hair...
Emily Couch
Emily Couch
50-Minute Angelic Glow Microdermabrasion Facial
50-Minute Angelic Glow Microdermabrasion Facial
Get $210 of beauty treatments for ONLY $59! Yes, we know what you’re thinking. This deal is too good to be true. It is true and yes, it is good! This amazingly priced, wildly effective facial...
Julie Nakamura
Julie Nakamura #riasktakers win #leadership
Newsmaker of the Year: Ron Johnson
Newsmaker of the Year: Ron Johnson
The J.C. Penney chief has established himself as a retail iconoclast, willing to rewrite the rules of the game in his high stakes reinvention.
How about these people? Don Giannatti
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This email was intended for BlogLaura Harrington (Owner, Xposures hair). Learn why we included this. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

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