Wednesday, July 11, 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 7/11/2012

Network Updates, Jul 4 - Jul 11
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Julie Nakamura #priorities
Physical education mandates not enough in most U.S. states, study...
Shari Cashman
Recruiting, Reinvented: How Companies Are Using Social Media In The...
While many people have expressed concern about the trend of employers using social media to screen job candidates, can social media actually be a benefit to job seekers or employers? Find out in this Q and A interview with Chirag Nangia, CEO of...
Skindipity .com
Extractions on a First Time Client
Created on Friday, 29 June 2012 18:47 Written by EllenClark There are a variety of ways to extract open/closed comedones and pustules. It takes practice and tools that are effective in reducing any trauma to the surrounding...
Janet Lewark, CTA
Nerium Sizzle Video
Now Communications video - Nerium Sizzle...
How about these people? Don Giannatti
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