Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LinkedIn Network Updates, 10/19/2011

Network Updates, Oct 12 - Oct 19
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Janae Chang Margarita Lime Roll On Perfume Oil #etsy #vegan
Donna Milam Mary Kay is doing an incredible job of sharing women's stories and making a difference in their lives...please take time to watch these videos and pass on the info.
views as of 10/17/11
Mary Kay Inspiring Stories hopes to inspire, educate, and create a conversation on the issue of Domestic Violence through the creation of three empower documentaries. So watch and share these documentaries to support today, so...
Vivian Valenty, Ph.D. (ForbesWoman) posted a link
Debbie Davis
Holiday Expos and Events
We are excited to share Holiday events and expos with members to attend, participate, and have fun. Please support our members that will be exhibitors at these events, OR sign up to be an exhibitor yourself! City of Peoria Grand Re-Opening of...
How about these people? Don  Giannatti
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